Tuesday 30 May 2017

Biography of Nelson Mandela

Biography of Nelson Mandela    / Achievements and Turning points


1.  being groomed for becoming chief of his local tribes
2. getting degree of P

Biography of Jack Patten one of the Aboriginal leader

Biography of Jack  Pateen     /   Time line

Time          Events

1905         born at Moama NSW
1916         studied at Wast Wyalong Public school
1927         met Salina avery for first time
1930         lived at Salt Pan Creek where he become a radical Aboriginal politics
1931         married at Tabolan with Salina Avery
1936         settled at La Perouse
1937         met Percy Stephensen
1938         on Australian day, gave speech and emphasized on education for children
1938         edited the Abo call started by Miles
1939         want to the Cumeroogunga call for help and denounced food shortage
1940        started with Sixth Division serving in Middle East as a private
1940        called for unity in the A.P.A conference
1942        discharged from working as with Sixth Division with a knee damage
1946        settled in Melbourne on War prison
1957        died at St Vincent hospital

Tuesday 28 February 2017


There are many ways to protect our environment,  The very important way for our environment protection is to know about the effects of  waste materials  on environment.. It is the  responsibilities of the  government  to make people  aware of these effects and make a regular  system for collecting the waste materials  . The people have responsibilities to put rubbish in the bans and try to decease the use of packaging foods, Instead of  using their own cars, they can use  pubic transport or walking and cycling work .They should try to bring reduction in the  use of  electronic devices like air conditioners ,ovens, heaters and high voltage lights. All these actions have important role in the protection of our environment.

Immigration to Astralia , 1992 & 2002


The above graph shows that ,
The number of migrants increased gradually from the be-gaining of the 1992 up to the  end of  this year,
In 2002 the number of immigration  also increase gradually but it shows a sharply increase from Oceana and slightly decrease from the South and Central America.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

i am in EFS class at Granville Tafe .
i want to study this class to improve my English language so that i can keep my own career  in Australia.
To continue my skill in Australia, i should pass a test for the IMGs (international medical  graduates ) and English proficiency is requirement of this test . have to get 7 number of  .
I found this course very helpful .so it could help me in getting my goal .